
The Felix E. Martin Jr. Foundation was established in 2008 thanks to the generosity of long-time Muhlenberg County resident Felix Eaves Martin Jr. (1927-2007).  At the time of his death, Mr. Martin included language in his will stating that the bulk of his estate should be distributed “to create a charitable foundation or a charitable trust for the benefit of the education, civic, and cultural needs of the residents of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky.”

The executor of Mr. Martin’s estate, Mr. Roderick J. Tompkins Sr., was familiar with the reputation of The Community Foundation of Louisville as a service provider and administrative partner in many of Kentucky’s major philanthropic endeavors.  Mr. Tompkins approached The Community Foundation of Louisville to establish and manage the Felix E. Martin Jr. Foundation as a supporting organization with Mr. Martin’s bequest of $50 million.

Since that time, The Felix E. Martin Jr. Foundation has focused its charitable work on investments in quality of life in Muhlenberg County, a county of over 31,000 people.  While all grants which benefit the education, civic and cultural needs of the County are considered, a Need Assessment conducted in 2008 helped to identify key areas for grantmaking.  Since that time, the Foundation has given priority to grant projects which support these five  Strategic Focus Areas.

Since the Foundation’s first grants were awarded in 2008, the Foundation has awarded over $39 million dollars to support projects in Muhlenberg County.