Economic Development

From the Foundation’s first needs assessment study, economic development & job creation has been ranked as the primary need in Muhlenberg County, with these results replicated in recent community surveys conducted by Muhlenberg’s More Vision Committee, the Muhlenberg County Extension/UK, Owensboro Health, and Pennyrile Area Development District/Community Services. Realizing the interconnected nature of economic development, the Foundation promotes economic development through most of its initiatives including community development and quality of life initiatives, workforce development and education initiatives, and health & substance use initiatives.  However, the Foundation has also committed funding to direct support of the County’s economic development initiatives though some of the programs detailed below.


Recognizing the need for a staffed organization focused on economic development, the Foundation worked with County leaders to help establish Muhlenberg Alliance for Progress, and continues to provide annual funding to the County to support the operating costs of the organization.  Working with a Board of local leaders from diverse industries, Muhlenberg Alliance for Progress focuses on growing Muhlenberg's economy through marketing of County assets to encourage new industry, as well as supporting expansion and retention of current industry.  Muhlenberg Alliance for Progress also hosts educational seminars for local entrepreneurs, with the Foundation providing funding to support a local microloan program to support developing businesses.  


In order to attract new businesses to Muhlenberg County, prospective businesses must also be confident in the strength of the available workforce.  The Foundation has invested in several progams focused on developing the highly skilled workforce required in today’s competitive economy.  Programs aimed at improving educational attainment, workforce development, soft skills development and internet availability seek to help the County achieve Work Ready Community status, and improve prospects for personal prosperity for Muhlenberg residents.  Recently, in partnership with Madisonville Community College, the Foundation has provided support for the establishment of an aviation training program, as well as a new career pathway at MCHS focused on Advanced Integrated Manufacturing.

As a key element of the Foundation's workforce development efforts, the Foundation also manages the Muhlenberg Achieves program.  Working with community partners including Muhlenberg County Schools, Adult Education programs, Madisonville Community College and the Muhlenberg Job Corps, Muhlenberg Achieves focuses on providing access and opportunities focused on helping residents achieve degrees and credentials, building an outstanding workforce for Muhlenberg County.